Techbridge a finalist in the US2020 City Competition

Techbridge is thrilled to announce that we have been selected as a finalist in the US2020 City Competition!

Techbridge and UC San Francisco’s Science and Health Education Partnership (SEP) have joined a coalition of stakeholders in San Francisco – including nonprofits, companies, schools, government, and more – that is working together to spark interest in the sciences among students in our community. Our city is one of only 13 finalists, chosen from 52 teams from across the country, that submitted plans to increase the number of science, technology, education, and math (STEM) professionals volunteering to lead real-world STEM projects with students traditionally underrepresented in the sciences.

As a finalist coalition, San Francisco has the opportunity to win vital resources that will be used to facilitate STEM volunteers from local corporations in out-of-school STEM activities. This effort will build on the Mayor’s Middle School Leadership Initiative, a novel public-private partnership aimed at dramatically improving STEM education. As announced by President Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative, up to five finalists will share nearly $1 million in resources from US2020, based on their plans to significantly increase STEM mentoring for girls, low-income students, and students of color. The US2020 effort aligns with our organization’s focus on inspiring girls and the importance of STEM mentoring, and we are looking forward to lending our expertise to San Francisco’s exciting team.

Now we need your help. Our team’s Round 2 application is due at the end of January, and before then we need to add more coalition members, finalize our plan, and raise $50,000 in matching funds. Only with all hands on deck can we truly transform the way our students experience science, inspiring them to pursue STEM careers and strengthening our local workforce.

You can read more about our project by reaching out to us on Facebook or Twitter. If you’re ready to get involved, please contact Techbridge at

Thank you for helping us expand opportunities for students in San Francisco!

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