Techbridge Alumni Aileen Iniguez’s Class Project Goes Viral for All the Right Reasons

Aileen Iniguez joined Techbridge ten years ago where she learned the fundamentals of electrical and mechanical engineering, computer science, and the engineering design process. She met female role models who visited her after school program and hosted field trips, and inspired her to think about pursuing a higher degree in STEM. Today, Aileen is studying Applied Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, where she embodies the traits we try to teach all our girls in Techbridge: perseverance, optimism, determination, collaboration, inclusiveness, and confidence. Aileen credits her three years in Techbridge with fostering her interest in STEM and being the foundation for her studies today.

This semester she was tasked with creating a video about sharing her unique story for a class called “Authentic Berkeley” funded by the Educational Opportunity Program at the University. Using an iPad and in collaboration with classmates, Aileen wrote, directed and produced this video titled “STEM is Life.” The video showcases her story of being an underrepresented woman of color at Cal, and what her everyday reality is like as a Latina studying STEM. After the class, Aileen posted the video on Facebook and YouTube, and has received over 9,500 views combined!

When asked about the positive response to the video, Aileen responded candidly, “I made this video with intention. And every like, comment, and share has reminded me that a lot of people look up to me and are looking to me for guidance. They see me as a leader, and I see myself as a leader too. I know people want me to succeed. Most importantly though, if this video could impact just one girl, then that would be enough.”

Enjoy the video and share away, so young girls in your life can see someone who believes in herself and her future.

Thank you, Aileen for creating such an important and insightful piece of work. We are so proud of you!

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