Stand in Solidarity #StopAsianHate

The events of the past week and the unforgivable crimes committed against the Asian community only further demonstrate the need to dismantle systemic racism in America.

This horrific violence builds on our nation’s long history of anti-Asian racism and structural white supremacy. While our communities are rising up in protest, it’s clear that we have never stood so far apart as a society. These hate crimes alone are devastating, but together, they further expose the underlying racism and injustices that people of color face every day.

My heart aches, and my spirit is unsettled as a Black woman, raising a son, married to a South Asian man, and living in a world where my friends and family continually have to look over our shoulders. And, in that same place of heartache, it reminds me that our work at Techbridge Girls is chipping away at what is while moving toward what is possible.

Techbridge Girls is committed to uplifting the voices and stories of girls* who are often overlooked, under-appreciated, and even silenced. We stand with organizations like Stop AAPI Hate, who fight to end anti-Asian racism and structural racism towards all BIPOC communities. It’s critical that we come together to #stopasianhate and to stand up for what is right. As we pass the baton to the next generation, let’s make sure we are moving closer to the finish line of justice, not further away.

*Including cis girls, trans youth, gender non-conforming, and/or non-binary youth who experience(d) girlhood as a part of their journey.

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