How can we create a more equitable world for girls of color?

Women’s Equality Day, August 26, is celebrated as the day in 1920 that the constitution was changed to allow women to have equal voting rights. However, black women and other historically marginalized individuals still did not receive voting rights until 1965. Even now 104 years later, we are seeing that girls of color* are still being left behind, left out and told that they don’t belong, especially in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields. At Techbridge Girls (TBG), we believe that equity is not something that just happens. It’s taught, it’s fought for, and it’s something we constantly need to work to maintain.

Although women make up half of all workers with postsecondary degrees, only about 35% of workers in STEM fields are women. And after decades of work to improve representation in STEM careers, the results are still not optimal. Black women still only hold 10% of STEM jobs in the United States; Latina women hold 15%; and Indigenous women less than 1%.

True equality in STEM is where girls thrive across all disciplines, with role models and supportive communities that enable them to succeed. That’s why we start with the STEM champions who inspire girls every day – educators. Through award-winning, culturally relevant professional development and curriculum, Techbridge Girls gives educators and STEM advocates the tools to challenge gender, racial, and class bias, helping girls see their unique STEM lineage, community, interests and path to success.


With programming being used in 36 states across the United States, serving more than 350 out of school time sites, Techbridge Girls has continued to impact youth and educators in profound ways.

Together, with the support of our community, supporters, STEM partners, and donors like you, we are able to deliver equitable STEM learning experiences that celebrate, advocate for and center Black, Indigenous, and all girls* of color to thrive in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) revolution.

Want to get involved in the transformational work that we are doing at TBG? Learn how here

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