About Techbridge Girls (TBG)

Re-Engineering the Way STEM Education is Taught for 20+ Years
Techbridge Girls challenges gender, racial, and class bias in STEM fields and culture by developing gender responsive and culturally relevant STEM curricula that helps girls* see their unique STEM lineage, community, interests and path to success.Empowering Girls* to Achieve Economic Mobility Through STEM
Techbridge Girls is engineering a revolution for girls* to change the world through science, technology, engineering and math.
Problem Statement
At Techbridge Girls, we focus on Black, Indigenous, and all girls* of color (BIPOC girls*) growing up in marginalized communities and attending high-poverty schools because they are disproportionately represented and often overlooked for their unique contributions and brilliance in the STEM revolution.
Nationwide, about three-quarters of both African-American and Hispanic students, compared to one-third of white students, attend high-poverty schools. These schools have fewer resources like computer labs, fewer parents with college degrees and experience a harder time attracting the best teachers. One-third of these schools don’t even offer calculus, which is a critical gateway course to a STEM pathway.
We recognize our institutions do not adequately prepare nor create access to high-quality STEM learning and career paths for BIPOC girls*. Where STEM is offered – and this is not consistent – it focuses on rote learning, centers the white male experience, excludes historical STEM contributions of women of color, omits social-emotional components, and does not adequately convey the potential of STEM to create a better world.
Women, and particularly BIPOC women, are drastically under-represented in STEM fields. Millions of girls* in the U.S don’t have access to quality STEM education and thus are continually marginalized from participating in the STEM ecosystem. The economic and opportunity impact begins in childhood.
We recognize educators, role models and STEM professionals are critical to advancing equity and promoting belonging throughout a girls* STEM journey. “Gatekeepers” (influential adults) possess the influence to maintain the status quo, or disrupt and pave the way for a more equitable future for the next generation. We empower and equip them to explore their position, power and privilege, catalyzing educators into advocates who create spaces that challenge the trope of STEM as a white male endeavor.
STEM careers have some of the greatest potential to create economic security for hundreds of thousands of girls* because they’re significantly higher paying professions. On average, STEM workers earn 30% more than similarly educated non-STEM workers.
Techbridge Girls exists to create access, belonging and persistence for thousands of girls* to forge a more equitable future for themselves and the STEM revolution.
Our Mission
Our Vision
TBG envisions equitable STEM learning experiences that celebrate, advocate for and center Black, Indigenous, and all girls* of color to thrive in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) revolution.
Who We Serve
Techbridge Girls centers Black, Indigenous, and all girls* of color and gender expansive youth who are otherwise unable to access quality STEM education and support due to systemic economic, racial and gender inequities perpetuated by institutions, discrimination, stereotypes and biases.
Justice Statement
Girls* are the heart of our organization. While our day-to-day work centers the whole girl* – her emotional and intellectual well being, we strategically focus on educating and challenging how influential adults teach and treat BIPOC girls* as they pursue their STEM interests. We recognize the influence and impact of adults, and have an expectation that they are allies in our pursuit to a more just STEM pathway for all BIPOC girls* and gender expansive youth.
We approach this work understanding the complexity and intersectional realities that our girls* and communities experience. These issues are not just limited to the classroom; we believe that out-of-school time can play a critical role of addressing this complexity while unlocking numerous possibilities for girls*. The re-engineered STEM experience at Techbridge Girls will create a sense of STEM belonging with a community of empowered girls* that own their power and brilliance.
We stand on the shoulders of our ancestors and heroes who laid and continue to lay the foundation for our STEM revolution, even when their contributions and brilliance is not acknowledged. Their contributions are not hidden in our girls’ experience anymore.
We embrace this generational work and understand we cannot do this alone. It will take a collective movement and coalition of justice warriors doing our respective part to transform a STEM revolution that works for all of us.
Our Justice Policy in Action:
- We recognize the truths and the challenges we face living in a racist, sexist and capitalistic culture and the necessity to develop innovative ways to break down these systemic barriers and create new pathways for girls*’ futures;
- We support and celebrate all girls* no matter their race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or economic status;
- We listen to and address the whole girl* —her intellectual and emotional growth— so she can gain confidence, increase her self-worth, and realize her full potential in society;
- We empower every girl* to understand she should be respected for her own voice, story, and aspirations, while also acknowledging that her identity plays a critical role in her existence;
- We expect decisive and collective actions, big ideas, and help from our allies, coalitions, and communities whose diverse identities, experiences and unwavering commitment to making positive change in STEM strengthens our ability to uplift communities and impact the world around us;
- We are bold and intentional in our work in order to break down the complex and oppressive systemic gendered racism and classism that is preventing girls* from achieving their dreams;
- We promote and live our values in how we engage our stakeholders, represent our communities, and do our work with one another each and every day;
- We promote a workplace built on community, respect, empathy, and compassion, and foster an environment where our team can have tough conversations to ensure we all are working together towards the same goal;
- We continue to be grateful and recognize the incredible resilience our girls*, educators, caregivers, and communities who inspire us and make our work possible.
- We stand in solidarity with justice movements to support systemic change that is reimagining a world of liberation for all.
Our History
Techbridge Girls celebrates 20th anniversary and launches new strategic direction along with the #leadfearlessly campaign.
Techbridge Girls acquires the Expanding Your Horizons Network of assets.
Techbridge Girls launches new Inspire™ model.
Techbridge Girls moves headquarter offices in Oakland, California. New vision and goals launched to reach 1 million girls* by 2030.
Techbridge Girls welcomes Nikole Collins-Puri as the new CEO.
Techbridge Girls launches programs and site in Washington, DC. Founder Linda Kekelis retires.
Techbridge Girls launches programs in the greater Seattle area in Washington.
Techbridge Girls launches programs in San Jose, California.
Techbridge Girls spun off from Chabot Space and Science Center and incorporated as 501c(3).
Launched at Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland, California with National Science Foundation (NSF) funds.
Grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
5 Year Reflection
Techbridge Girls celebrates 20th anniversary and launches new strategic direction along with the #leadfearlessly campaign.
Techbridge Girls acquires the Expanding Your Horizons Network of assets.
Techbridge Girls launches new Inspire™ model.
Techbridge Girls moves headquarter offices in Oakland, California. New vision and goals launched to reach 1 million girls* by 2030.
Techbridge Girls welcomes Nikole Collins-Puri as the new CEO.
Techbridge Girls launches programs and site in Washington, DC. Founder Linda Kekelis retires.
Techbridge Girls launches programs in the greater Seattle area in Washington.
Techbridge Girls launches programs in San Jose, California.
Techbridge Girls spun off from Chabot Space and Science Center and incorporated as 501c(3).
Launched at Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland, California with National Science Foundation (NSF) funds.
Grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Our Origin Story
Linda Kekelis, Founder
Linda Kekelis shares her thoughts on supporting girls in STEM, shaping the Techbridge Girls experience, and leading fearlessly.