Contact Us

If you are interested in our programs, getting involved or learning more about Techbridge Girls, contact us at:

Techbridge Girls
1999 Harrison Street, Suite 1800-9010
Oakland, CA 94612

Contact Form ›

Program Inquiry

If you would like to learn more about Techbridge Girls’ award winning programs, trainings and events please get in touch.

Speaking Engagements

To request our CEO or any member of the Techbridge Girl’s team for a speaking engagement please complete a speaker request form.

Connect with Us

Be part of our growing community of 70K champions working to ensure STEM education is equitable for every girl.

Free Throws for the Future

Step up to the free throw line!

Learn about this unique partnership and join in!

This is a placeholder for the SalesForce form that will be used to collect user contact info before they can access the download. This is a single placeholder, but we may need different forms for different purposes (e.g. download sample lessons versus download publications).