Student working on her Robot science project for school.

Data & Research

As a former National Science Foundation grantee, our programs are rigorously evaluated and analyzed to better understand the outcomes of our girls* and the systems that we are seeking to change. We share our evaluation results and our lessons learned to the larger STEM education field and industry with hope of improving the systems preventing our girls* path to STEM persistence.


essential elements

Guiding Principles for High-Quality, Equitable STEM Programs for Girls

Techbridge Girls’ Essential Elements, 2018

Our new Essential Elements are based on our 18 years of experience, internal research and evaluation, and research from the field.

Changing the Game for Girls in STEM

Changing the Game for Girls in STEM: Findings on High-Impact Programs and System-Building Strategies

Techbridge Girls White Paper, April 2016

A white paper on best practices from leaders in the field by Kara Sammet and Linda Kekelis. In partnership with Chevron.

Free Throws for the Future

Step up to the free throw line!

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