girls on field trip to Chevron


Volunteers are an essential part of what we do. We provide the structure and curriculum and volunteers bring the heart through their stories and passion for introducing girls* to STEM and engaging them in interactive and fun experiences.

Our Volunteer’s Commitment

Volunteers are committed to realizing gender and racial equity in STEM learning experiences and within their industry. They are willing to understand their own biases and perceptions to ensure our BIPOC girls* are seen, valued and heard. Volunteers have a heart for making space and uplifting the brilliance and potential of BIPOC girls* in their volunteer experience and beyond.

Volunteer Opportunities

Be A Role Model

Bring your personal and professional story to girls who can be inspired about your career path and journey- virtually or in-person. Women in STEM record their stories, visit classrooms, and participate in panels to inspire and guide girls. Role models will have opportunities for youth-facing engagement and are required to take TBG Role Models Matter on-demand training prior to placement.

Host a STEM Event

Galvanize your colleagues and peers to coordinate a STEM event or participate in an existing STEM event (virtual or in-person) throughout the country that inspires a girl’s interest toward a STEM career.  Great for team building or employee resource group projects.

Create Kits

Help make STEM exciting and hands-on by pre-packaging materials, giveaways, or welcome notes. Kitting events are fun, easy to coordinate, and build a team spirit.

Lend Your Expertise

Techbridge Girls has a bold goal of reaching 1M girls by 2030, and we know that takes more than just programming.  We are always seeking advice and skills in the areas of  volunteer engagement, marketing, communications, technology, business development, etc…

National Board & Committees

We are always building a pipeline of  individuals who demonstrate a deep commitment to our mission and programs, provide expertise in areas of personal and professional knowledge, and offer a diversity of backgrounds and points of view to help us achieve our mission.

Other Interest?

We are always looking for new ways to engage volunteers. Do you have skills or other ideas not listed above? We want to hear from you.

Sign-Up to Volunteer

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us. Our volunteer needs for Fall 2021 have been met. Please check back in Spring of 2022 for new ways to get involved.

Free Throws for the Future

Step up to the free throw line!

Learn about this unique partnership and join in!

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