Alysia Green

Alysia Green

Board Chair

Alysia N. Green is the General Manager of Information Technology Engineering, a position she has held since October of 2020. She is responsible for leading, developing, and inspiring IT resources across Chevron.

Previously Green was General Manager of Information Technology for Upstream. During her tenure with Chevron, Alysia has worked in the Downstream business in a variety of IT and business roles, in the central IT company in leadership positions, in the Midstream business as the IT Strategy manager, in the Upstream business as Information Technology and Business Development & Planning Manager, in Upstream Asia South Business unit as General Manager Information Technology and General Manager of Information Technology for Midstream, Development and Global Corporate Functions.

Alysia was a part of the initial leadership team of Chevron’s Black Employee Network and currently serves as an advisory board member for Chevron’s XYZ and women’s network. She serves as the Chevron Management sponsor for IT recruiting for SWE, HENAAC, SHPE, and NSBE. She also sits on the advisory board of the Lawrence Hall of Science and recently received a position on the Techbridge Girls National Board.  A nonprofit educational re-engineering STEM organization for girls

Green joined Chevron in 1991 as a programmer analyst. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Mathematical and Computational Sciences from Stanford University, California, that same year.

Alysia and her husband, Henry, live in Tomball, Texas. They have a twenty-four-year-old daughter, Jazmyn, who is a 2020 graduate of Wake Forest University.

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