Nashira Williams

Nashira Williams

Senior Program Manager of Professional Development

Nashira is an experienced educator of over 15 years, who is passionate about making pathways to success accessible for those who have been historically marginalized. She is talented at assessing potential and collaborating to innovatively maximize the impact of programs, projects, or initiatives. As the Program Manager of Professional Development, she is excited to continue a mission that is dedicated to centering BIPOC girls* ensuring catalytic sparks and partners across the nation.

Prior to her role at Techbridge Girls, Nashira was the director of the Women’s Center for Florida International University where she piloted a micro-credential, instituted a Black Women’s Forum, and managed collaborations across the campus. She was also the director Women’s Initiatives and Gender Equity and Auburn University where she revitalized the programming for students, faculty, and staff leading to several partnerships and successful initiatives.

Nashira has earned her Ph.D. and M.S. in Higher Education Administration from Florida International University. She also holds a B.S. in Child Development and Sociology for Florida State University.

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